I have to be honest I was not really looking forward to my birthday this year. I just knew since we had moved and all the craziness of this past year people just might not remember it was my birthday or how to find me to send a birthday card.... I also knew since we are trying to get debt free that I didn't want David to spend money on getting me something I don't really need. I had prepared myself for just a "blah" but "good" type birthday....
My birthday was ANYTHING but the above thoughts! I had several cards come in the mail! People do know our address and remembered me!! As well as a number of birthday wishes on Facebook, and via text messages or phone calls, etc. How cool!! That was enough to make me feel super special. But there is more....
David woke me up at 4:30am for my Wednesday morning work out. Yes, you read that right! I am determined to get fit and look good in my sister's wedding. By the time I got back from my workout David was up and making me breakfast. :) The best part is that David always makes me breakfast!!!! Hello - KEEPER. After breakfast, I was off to work. So regular day at the office, a couple morning meetings, etc. and then off to lunch... SUSHI! DJ (my immediate boss) and a co-worker Avril went with me. We are the only ones in the office that like sushi! Perfect lunch date. After lunch we had our weekly Staff Women Bible study. It is just a brief 30 min every Wednesday encourager. It is always a great time to grow but most importantly laugh! Work resumed as usual... then DJ came to my office and said "come follow me"..... and everyone was waiting in the Board Room to surprise me with a cake! How fun!!! Rev (my big boss) even had his Green Wig on! We had lots of laughs and walked around the Mission spreading our "Irish Cheer" to everyone. And people think working at a homeless shelter is sad and depressing - we have FUN people!! I can officially say I hardly worked at all - but I didn't feel bad because I really don't think anyone seriously "worked" on St Patty's Day!!! lol. It was a great day at work. Below are the pics from the party. :)
Rev and Me - no idea what we were laughing at.... but it was FUNNY! :-)
DJ and Me - LOVE HER. She is by far the best boss EVER! So thankful to have her in my life. I hope one day I can be half the God fearing woman she is. She is such an inspiration.
I have two "work spouses". This is Teresa and Me. :) She is an amazing work spouse! lol.
Ok.... so after work the festivities continued!!! Our dear friends Missy and Doug came over to celebrate the day with me. We cooked at home. David made baked chicken, veggies, mac and cheese and of course CAKE! Missy and Doug brought the cake. They are such amazing friends. We just met but it feels like we have known them forever. Another friend couple of ours stopped by - but only one half could come - Philip. :) If you have never met this man - I think one meeting is required per lifetime. He is hilarious. He is super jokester but really deep down he is a caring, lovable guy - that would do anything in the world for you... don't believe me - run out of gas on 20 and have him come pick you up take you home go get gas and get your car for you.... another story another blog - I'm just saying - he is great. His other half April is amazing too! She is a total doll but unfortunately she works nights and couldn't make it. :(
Birthday Picture of Missy and Me. Love that cake! :)
When I was uploading all these pictures - I realized I didn't get any of David and Me!!! :( We are having company this weekend, so I will be sure to get some updated pictures of us! I love him so. We didn't hardly spend any money and this birthday was by far one of the best! We are so incredibly blessed to have such great friends that live near us. When we were moving over to Louisiana my Aunt Nancy asked, "Anna, aren't you worried you wont have a social life? What are you two going to without any friends?" God truly laughed at that! He is has provided us with some of the best friends we could have ever asked for! Plus, we still get to talk and be with our friends we have in Dallas every time we go home!
Ok, enough for now. Life is good and so far, the 24th year of my life is going awesome. I know that it is going to be the best year yet!