As the end of the quarter approaches, I become (essentially) a single woman.
*please note I am NOT complaining, I am simply stating facts.*
Having said that, we have been able to spend some great quality time together when he does have the off chance of a study break!!
Spent a Saturday afternoon watching the La Tech blue/white football scrimmage |
So one of the things David and I have enjoyed doing together for the past couple of years is attending the College of Business spring crawfish boil! This year's crawfish boil didn't disappoint. David has a great group of accounting friends that he has really become like family, so to have some casual time (where they aren't supposed to talk about accounting) to get to know them and listen to them brag on David was great! We enjoyed a fabulous serving of crawfish and sweet tea. You can't get more southern than that!! I would say it is one of THE best reasons to live in Louisiana. :)
Since David has been doing so much studying, we took this past weekend to take a break. He had three test last week, and a project, so he really just wanted something else to focus on for a while. So.....the weekend began with a good old fashion breakfast. I made gluten free heart shaped waffles. I absolutely love the fact that he loves heart shaped waffles as much as I do! :) After we finished breakfast, we decided to scrap and paint (the first coat) what we call 'the cabin'. We will finish it this coming weekend with a complete first coat and the second coat of paint! Praise God! It is only 3 years in the working to get that thing scraped and painted!! Anyway, the other part of the weekend was spent on yard work. In order to get to the cabin to scrap and paint, we had to clear some brush. We raked leaves, cut under brush, and finally got to see a clear path! I walked away with like 5 blisters, and allergies to kill, but we definitely feel like we accomplished something!!! We can't wait to have this project complete this weekend.

The last thing I wanted to share about was our first garden and meeting my first snake! We are really excited about growing our own tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, did I mention tomatoes?!? It has been so fun to plant things and watch them grow. :) Now, about that snake.... so I was taking a walk, minding my own business on a walking track near our house.... and my shoe lace came untied, I bent over to tie my shoe, and this little friend was waiting for me. I was very proud of myself, I didn't panic or anything! I think he was more scared than I was, because he didn't make a single move... so naturally, I needed a picture to prove the friend I just met. LOL.
I am definitely excited about the month of May! David will be out of school, I head to Disneyworld for work, and we will spend the end of the month in Dallas. It seems like the more we try and 'simplify' our life, the busier we get... naturally. I hope y'all are enjoying the spring weather as much as we have!! Hugs!