David has officially begun his LAST YEAR count down!!!! He finished the spring quarter and is almost through his first summer session of summer school. He is taking a 300 level computer information systems class and a Louisiana history class. Since neither of us grew up learning about Louisiana history, I really wanted to read what he is studying... I know, I am nerd, but I can't help myself and you would probably like Louisiana history too! It is really interesting!
Here are some tid-bits I have learned about this great state:
*Growing up in the lone star state, I have always had that Texas pride. It isn't uncommon for people to visit Texas and say things like "they sure are proud of their state!" DUH! Why wouldn't you be proud to live in the great state of Texas! :) People are friendly, you can get any type of climate you desire, living expenses are cheap, have (had) great public schools, and well, second to New York, you can't find better shopping! I digress; reading Louisiana history, there is no such pride. Instead, people assume Louisianans are 'crazy', 'crooked' or 'backwards'. Naturally, there is not a lot of help from those that live in the state of Louisiana to change this stereo-type, but encourage it. If any of you watch the TV show, Bayou Billionaires.... do I need to say anything else!? But this state was created that way from the beginning!
*(summarized version of the story.) This guy named Bienville and his brother, Iberville, set out to find the Mississippi River. They found it, befriended local Indians that became personal tour guides to the area. They named Baton Rouge, after the red stick villages in the area. The brothers figured they could divide and conquer so they went their separate paths with a plan to meet up in a few months. Bienville was trucking along, and was exploring, had gone far enough, and decided to turn around and head home. On his way back, he rounded a bend and there sat a 12-gun British warship anchored near the river bank. The British ship was obviously exploring just like Bienville was... well don't worry - he was going to solve that! Bienville took a little canoe over to this ginormous warship, and found the captain. To Bienville's surprise, the captain was looking for the Mississippi River, and didn't know he was in fact ON the very river he was looking for! So what does Bienville do? Bienville told the British captain that the Mississippi River was further west. He also told the captain he was on French territory, and that there were French warships right around the bend! And just to make sure the captain would move, Bienville told them that this area was loaded with vicious Indians, and that the captain better get a move on OR else!! The captain sure did turn that warship around and sailed straight back to the Gulf!! When the ship left, Bienville claimed the area as French territory, and named the place Detour des Anglais. Today there is a fancy golf course at English Bend.
Funny right? Can you imagine?! This happened in 1699 - if he wouldn't have lied, there could have been a completely different set of events happen for Louisiana and it's glorious history!
*King Louis XIV built a 1,300 bedroom building that is more than a quarter mile long and took 40 years to construct!!!
*King Louis XIV ruled 72 years, which is the longest in modern European history.
*Louisiana was referred to as “no man’s land” and “sabine free state”
*The D.A.R. & S.A.R. recognize the Islenos as a member of the American Revoluntionary War.
*Claiborne was governor after Louisiana Purchase became Territory of Orleans and then the state of Louisiana in 1812.
*Earl Long had a favorite stripper on Bourbon Street - her name was Blaze Starr - google her. :)
*Hoey Long, dropped out of Tulane law school, never held any formal education but passed his bar exam in 1915 at the age of 21. He began the trademark of the WHITE LINEN SUIT. He had a private police force called the Bureau of Criminal Identification.
*Jimmie Davis was the famous governor that sang! Songs like "you are my sunshine" and many other popular titles
*Bonnie & Clyde were killed in Louisiana.
Interesting stuff right? I normally don't find history exciting, but Louisiana has definitely had some colorful personalities and history. There is obviously a LOT more history that I could give about Louisiana, but those were some of my favorite stories.
Now that you have completed your history lesson for the day, carry on.
