Wednesday, August 21, 2013

10 days Off

How is it that too often you need a vacation from the 'vacation' you just got done taking?

The past ten days have been jammed packed with lots and lots of excitement! We started our time off heading to Dallas for baby girl's shower! On Friday morning we picked up Aly & Matt from the airport and spent the day shopping and preparing for the shower. Saturday morning David and I had the wonderful opportunity to have his sister, Robin, take maternity pictures of us! I even got my hair and make up done for the day. Talk about THE best thing you could ever do for a pregnant chick!

 The baby shower started at 2pm and all things pink entered the house. It was such a great time to see so many ladies and be 'showered' with gifts for baby girl! Oh how I can not wait to meet her!! :) Sunday afternoon David and I made our way back to Arcadia to get ready for all the festivities of the week.

 Monday morning we met Aly, Matt, Mom & Dad in Shreveport for lunch and a shopping trip to Sam's Club. We had 3 days to prepare, cook, & decorate for David's birthday/graduation party! Don't worry, we got some good north Louisiana sight seeing in, which included a trip to Duck Dynasty. We also didn't want to have any of the family leave the state without experiencing some good food. Luckily, living in Louisiana, there is no shortage on good food!
 Thursday arrived and it just seemed so surreal. For four years, David and I have walked, talked and prayed about the day he would walk across the stage with his Master's degree! It was here, and we were all ready to celebrate and share in the day with him. The graduation was held at Thomas Assembly Center at Louisiana Tech University. I am so proud.

After the graduation, we got to take pictures with family and then head over to the Arcadia Train Depot for his party! It was so great to see so many people come together to celebrate David. He is truly something special, and I am just glad I am not the only person who knows it. :)

On Friday David and I made our way to Jefferson, Texas. We stayed at a bed and breakfast there called the Azalea Inn. It was such a great experience. Both of us wish we could have stayed longer!We had dinner at a wonderful restaurant downtown called Memories & More Piano Bar. The food and atmosphere was fantastic! All too soon it was time to go.

Back in Dallas, Saturday evening we went to a dear high school friend of mine's wedding. I don't have to attend any reunions, because we just had one! It was great to see so many people I haven't seen in years, and catch up. Weddings are always a fun time, and this one was no exception!

Sunday our time off quickly came to an end. We headed back to Arcadia just in time to get in bed. It was a fast ten days, but were filled with lots of love, laughter and memories. I am thankful that we were able to see so many people and reconnect. This season is officially closed, so now we wait for direction and guidance on the what, when, and where is next! Fun times ahead! :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pretty, Pretty Princess

This past week David and I got to experience something incredible. We were able to see baby girl in a 3D/4D ultrasound. Seeing her move around and really start to look like a baby was just simply unbelievable. She has turned and weighs 2.9 lbs. It was exactly what David and I both needed to see to rejuvenate us and remind us why we are persevering so hard right now!!

I know I am bias, but she is beautiful. The first thing I noticed was her lips. They are mine. :)

 However, I think that is about all she has of mine..... The more we looked at the picture, the more I could see David in her. She absolutely looks just like him. The Adams family has a very, very strong family resemblance of a specific t-zone and this little one has it! David's sister Robin sent me a picture of her youngest son (who also has this t-zone) and when I compared the pictures, it was amazing.

What do you think? Can you see the "Adams t-zone"? I do not think there will be any denying David and baby girl are related. ;) Good thing I picked a handsome hubby! :) I just thought it was SO cool to see the pictures side by side. Of course, once she makes her grand entrance into the world, we will have no shortage of pictures! Such exciting times ahead. Just trying to not get ahead of myself. We have less than 12 weeks to meet this pretty, pretty princess!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhh, how I can not wait!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


As a teenager I remember getting so unbelievably frustrated that I couldn't "hurry up and ________". That blank could have been a 100 different things, but some I specifically remember - MOVE OUT, go to college, be 18, be 21, graduate college, etc. You get the idea. Anyone who knew me during that time, you would probably more than testify that I was impatient and I absolutely was unwilling to wait - for anything. I wanted it all AND now. I didn't (and frankly, didn't want to) understand what it meant to 'enjoy the journey' and not just focus on the destination...... Fast forward 10 years, yes, I have been out of high school 10 glorious years. Yikes! Specifically the past four years, OK, really the past six months, I think I am FINALLY starting to understand what it means to LIVE in the moment or ENJOY the journey and not just focus on the destination. I have found that I am very goal oriented and by breaking down long term goals into very, very small pieces makes it so much easier to enjoy the season. It also helps to define what your expectations are for that season and who you want to be a part of it.

 Currently, the season of  "getting through August 30th" is all I can focus on. In the next 30 days we will:
-David sits for his 3rd of 4 CPA exams
-have our first baby shower
-spend weekend in Dallas
-get to spend a week with family & friends
-watch David walk across the stage with his Master's Degree!!!
-celebrate David's 35th Birthday!
-go to the doctor twice
-watch a dear high school friend get married
-attend a work baby shower
-David sit for his LAST CPA exam
-enter 8th month of pregnancy

Some of the things we still are not any closer on:
-baby name
-setting up a nursery
-determining where we are going to move to & when

I think if this pregnancy could have a top 2 list of best things that have come out of being pregnant that would be:
-we are getting a BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-FORCING me to wait. I have 40 weeks, period.

I am literally learning how to take things ONE day at a time, ONE week at a time. Each day I wake up and really have no idea (as far as my body) what it holds. I have never been 28 1/2 weeks pregnant before, and so, I just have to trust that my body is going to do what is was created to do. I also have to wait on seasons to pass before new ones can begin. Right now David studies in what will be the nursery. He NEEDS a desk and even though in my mind that is where the crib will go, I have to wait. Why? Because I want him to be able to pass his tests! LOL. Don't get me wrong, by no means have I sat back and just twiddled my thumbs, but I am definitely out of my 'norm' of being a master planner and already having 20 different options laid out as to how X & Y are going to happen. I simply have been trying to focus on the task at hand - like to plan a party, a graduation, help leave my hubby alone so he can study, etc. You can rest assured I have been able to get in a little baby prep here and there though - namely accessories! :) Clearly, I have my priorities ALL in line.

I am not sure if life is crazy for you right now or not, but coming from someone who is in the middle of craziness, take it from me - it is MUCH more fun to enjoy each moment as they come verses focusing solely on the end result. I can't wait for the end result, but I know it wouldn't mean what it does it we didn't have the little triumphs all along the way! Plus, if you are walking out a plan of the Lord, he has it all under control, so just enjoy. :)
