Since coming home from Dallas at the beginning of April, I have been working out 3-4days a week hard core and just focusing on eating healthy. I don't really have specific weight or work out goals in mind - I am just striving to be the healthiest person I can be. :) David and I have found we REALLY love to cook! We actually get excited about what our meals are going to be during a two week period. We plan out all our meals; one - we know we have the ingredients, two - I can feel like we have a plan and the question of "what's for dinner?" isn't asked, and three - because we are in budget mode!
We have officially completed our Dave Ramsey's class on Financial Peace. We LOVED it!! We have already started chipping away at our debt and will be debt free as soon as we know it! We can not wait to get there!!!! This course is 13 weeks, for 2 hrs per week. It is intense and we actually had a couple of couples drop out during the duration of the course, but I am here to say it literally has changed our marriage. We had a great marriage before, but now we are on the same page about our finances and have the tools at our finger tips to get any problem solved. That in and of itself is a great accomplishment. Not that we weren't before, but Dave's plan just puts it in such simple steps that is almost fail proof. The only thing you have to do is: DO IT! I will say, being on such a tight budget is HARDDDDDD. Actually both of us hate it, but each time we hate it, we go and read testimonials that people who have already become debt free and what they are doing with all that 'extra' money they have each month and how they are impacting others! We SO want that to be us. We want to be smart with the money we are given so we can in turn give it to someone else to be a blessing. :) Working at a homeless shelter only amplifies that for me! I see the poor and needy everyday, and not just the stereotype, "druggie, with the long, white, mangled bread" but real people, real women, real CHILDREN, that they call this place home. Like I said, it definitely helps to keep you motivated. By no means do we think we are going to be able to change the world, but if we are able to just help put a smile on one person's face - our mission will be accomplished!
In the midst of all the budgeting and our debt free dreams, we are still living a life! :) lol. I know it is hard to believe. We have friends over to cook and have bon fires with instead of going out to eat. It sounds cheesy, but you would be surprised at how much fun you can have not having to "go out".

David has done VERY well this quarter and as of May 21st will be a SOPHOMORE!!!! I can't believe it. He will continue on for summer school, however with less hours as we have Aly's wedding and lots of weekend trips planned. :) We want him to get a little bit of a 'break' for summer too. He only has two test/papers due in each class and he will be well on his way into his 2nd year of college. This year has literally just FLOWN by!
Work is crazy busy for me, which is always a blessing. David and I are getting to attend a Ball tomorrow evening at Sam's Town to represent the Mission. LSU-Shreveport is putting it on and we get the net proceeds! How cool is that!! That is the best kind of event :) One you just show up to all "prettied up", get your picture taken, and collect a fat check. Lol. We are totally looking forward to it, because our friends, Doug and Missy got tickets to attend with us! I am also on the Golf Committee - we are planning a Golf Tourney in June and then we have begun the prep work for our HUGE event in the fall with author Ron Hall of Same Kind of Different As Me. If you have NOT read this book - READ IT!!!! It will change you life. (or maybe just your stereotype that you have towards the homeless!) It is an incredible story. In May, I am going to begin the 13 week course of the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University here at the Mission!!!!! I am beyond thrilled and know that God has GREAT plans for each one of these woman that find themselves "homeless" for one reason or another - able to get the tool they need in order to find 'financial peace.'
God continues to bless our life one day at a time. We are so excited for summer to be here and all the craziness that it will include. We will definitely be outside doing home repairs, painting, making new brick paths, etc. - all the FUN stuff that David and I both love to do. We will also be spending lots of time with friends at the lake and getting tan. :) Hope all is well with you.