I have to admit there was a slight fear in mind that we might not make friends, or better yet with who and where would we find them? We didn't know ANYTHING about hunting, guns, bonfires, cutting trees, plumbing, handy work, or anything else "redneck"! (or so we thought...) But, don't worry y'all, God had our back's from the beginning! Moving over here has been nothing more than a complete blessing and total step in faith for us and God has beyond blessed our efforts. Not only do we have FRIENDS and several of them, we also have extremely fun social lives! I know it's crazy, who thought you could REALLY have fun in North Louisiana - I mean REALLY what is there to do! Ahhhh! For all of you that think that - come spend a week with us and see if you need a vacation from your "boring" week in La. :)
Our friends here we have not known for very long, but are incredible. We have two really close couple friends that we just adore. Both are amazing married peeps but more than that I have never had such genuine "adult" girlfriends. My prayer from the day David and I got married was to be able to find some really wholesome women that are God fearing, independent, smart women that I could relate with, be able to tell my life complaints to but also share my joys with and know that they really care. It is amazing that God has not only answered my prayer but double!
April is Philip's wife (he and David were separated at birth and just now reconnected...seriously). She would drop anything to help you in a heart beat. She has such a caring heart but yet can seriously hold her own! I love her so much and look forward to rocking on a front porch together when we are 90 yrs old.
Missy is a jewel. She has a fashion sense to die for and is the life of a party! She loves the Lord and has an incredible sense of humor. Together we are going to be some SERIOUS hotness this summer! :) I told her like the second time we went on a "date" (don't ask) that I felt like we were soul sisters. lol. Like you feel like you have known them for years.
Both of these women are simply gifts from God. They both have such respect for themselves and confidence to kill. I can not express how much it means to me to have two amazing chicks in my life. I love them so much.
David has also had some blessings of men in his life that are really incredible. First of all, Tim one of David's older brothers lives in Shreveport. It has been a transformation of a relationship between the two of them in the past year that neither would ever take back. It is awesome to be so close to family that is SOO fun to hang out with! :) Tim is also such an encouragement to us and both of us look up to him in so many ways.
David has also found some great mentors to lean on for guidance. Don't get me wrong, all of our friends we left in Dallas we are still very close to and love dearly. It is just incredible to watch how God provides your every need no matter where you live and how far apart people are. Philip and Doug are the other half's of my two girlfriends I mentioned above. They are both great guys. Each offering different qualities, David loves getting to hang out with each of them! :) (I know it is gay to talk like that, so I will stop - but I'm just sayin!!).
I just wanted to take a second to brag on some very special people in our life right now. We love everyone that we are so fortunate to call "our friends." Our social life is ANYTHING but boring!! We have a great time. You know you are "living" life when you LiVe for the weekends! :) After moving to Louisiana we have had an opportunity to re-learn things about each other that we had maybe put on the back burner for one reason or another. It is awesome to be able to ENJOY life. It doesn't matter how much money you make or where you live, or what kind of house you drive; if you can't honestly go to bed at night with a smile on your face excited about what the next day may bring - you might want to reconsider your priority list. Take it from a couple who had our list out of whack! We reorganized our list and it has been such a blessing ever since. :) God is good and He WILL give you the desires of your heart! I thank God for our friends daily! LOVE Y'ALL!!!!
Phil & Anna; Missy & Doug

David and Phil; April and Philip
Oh Anna...You have so much to say and only so much internet space to fill! I Love reading your blogs! You are sweet, cute, adorable and very funny & always interesting! Love ya!