David and I attended our 3rd Takin' It to the Streets outreach ministry that the Rescue Mission puts on for lower income areas in the Shreveport community. It was blazing hot, but we had fun spreading the love of Christ to others through - SNOW CONES - of all things! :) I love more than anything I have married such a Godly man that supports me in all that I want to do to help others!

These are just some random pictures of us. We spent 4th of July in Dallas with my parents, celebrating Fathers Day with my dad and just getting to spend time enjoying family on our 3 day weekend. We also went to see Toy Story 3 with some friends of ours - if you know me, you know that I LOVE Disney! Since as far back as I can remember I have collected Disney movies and of course, I hope to share them with our kids one day! Toy Story 3 was so cute. It was a great triple couple date night! :)
Other than the craziness that I have already spoke of, we have just been doing the usual - work, school, church, etc. :) We stay busy and love every minute of it. God is good and is blessing us more than we deserve. When you seek Him first - He not only gives you the desires of your heart, but also funds the way for His plan to be fulfilled!
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