I have discovered audio books. For a couple of months I have been complaining to David that the worst part of my job is the commute. I travel 45 minutes one way. Some days, actually most days, that is just too long. Anyway, over the holidays and all the traveling on the road we did, David checked out a couple of audio books to help pass the time. I was instantly hooked. I am already on my 3rd audio book.
I am currently reading through all of the Debbie Macomber audio books that the Bienville Parish Library has in stock. At present, I am listening to Thursdays at Eight. It is a very cute novel about 4 very different ladies that find a real friendship and provide support to one another as they each venture through their individual life challenges they are facing. I wouldn't call these books 'inspirational' but you do get attached to the characters and their trials and triumphs they experience. (Am I the only one that does this?) Anyway, the book starts out giving a brief bio on each lady and all are trying to come up with one word that is going to be like their motto for the year. Naturally, we are in January, so I play along. That was in chapter 1 and I am now on chapter 23. I have finally come up with my own word.
With everything that is set before us in the year of 2011, I think I have had a million word(s) go through my mind as to what MY word is going to be. David and I have lots of goals, accomplishments, successes, plans that we are anticipating this year.... trust, all have been words that I have considered. It wasn't until this morning on my way to work that I finally agreed with myself on what my word is going to be.
I am officially on my 3rd day of graduate school at LSUS and so far, everything is going well. I am thrilled to be back in school. The most amazing thing about the different courses I am taking, are all the people that are enrolled in these courses. Because this degree is offered 100% online, we have students in our classes that are from NYC, Colorado, Alabama, New Orleans, and of course Shreveport. It is as though, God just knew I needed a little perspective of the world from other geographical locations, and in each one of my classes - that is exactly what I have! I am especially interested in those living in or are from New Orleans. Why? Because that is one of my top law school choices there. I have been encouraged in a way I didn't even know I needed. I love school. I love more than anything, I really feel like I have found my purpose. I understand that life is full of seasons and the season we are in right now, allows for me to study in Shreveport, online at LSUS and obtain my Masters. How cool. I am giddy as to what I am going to learn and the contacts I am going to make this next year as I complete this goal. I am equally excited to know that I am making slow and steady progress towards the next season. One day at a time, one step at a time.
I found this quote from Ms Dolly Patron yesterday, and felt as though it was completely applicable in my life right now.
When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'll come up with next. ~ Dolly Parton
One thing I did the last 4 months or so of 2010, was write out what we could look forward to happening in the months to come. So a list might include anything from starting/finishing a quarter for David, going to visit someone or family, taking a trip somewhere, a multitude of different financial goals, personal fitness or weight loss goals, etc. I tried to make sure the list wasn't harping on one thing specifically so I wouldn't become obsessed with that. Anyway, we had the list up on our bedroom mirror and as we 'accomplished' something, we checked it off. OMG! It was so rewarding to be able to check off each thing we set out at the beginning of a month to do and then to be able to do it. :) Yes, again, I am sure I am headed towards the loony bin.
Realizing how helpful this was, I made a tentative set of goals or things we know and/or are planning to do this year and separated them by month, (so we wouldn't get SO overwhelmed by everything). We have already checked off everything but 2 things we wanted to do/achieve in January! I am planning to start a Couch to 5K program, but am waiting for it to STOP raining before I begin. LOL. The last thing on our January list is to spend the last weekend of the month in Dallas. Naturally, we are just waiting for the last weekend of the month to arrive before we can mark that off our list! David rolls his eyes by my OCD-ness, but he really does appreciate it. I know this because when there is something on the list that he has done he makes sure I know that he has marked it off. ;)
I am no super human, and I still at times feel overwhelmed by everything that we have going on, but one thing I have realized in this season is that everything has to be kept in perspective. We have a million things we want to accomplish and do but broken down by 12 months, we are able to just focus on 4 weeks at a time. Broken down even further we focus on each day. Everyday we wake up, that is a day to be thankful for, it is a day that we weren't promised. You can do anything for a short amount of time. Sooner than David and I would like to think, this season of our life, will end. Where I can't wait, it will be a milestone for us, together. Perserverance is hard, but we are building character. One day at a time, we move forward. Period.
Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant. Galatians 1:10 (NLT)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Finding my Inner 'Suzy Homemaker'
I have fallen in love with making my own bread. Yesterday, David and I awoke to the sound of ice beating against our window. Pretty soon after, we got a text/email that church was cancelled and per the news media, it was advised to NOT get on the roads, naturally everything was closed anyway so that wouldn't be a problem.
What do you do when you have an unexpected day to do nothing? If you are in my house, you cook, bake, and clean. :) Luckily I got a head start on the cleaning Saturday afternoon, so I was ready to get my hands dirty in the kitchen! David loves helping me too, so that makes cooking all the more fun.
Back in November, my Mom and I took a girls weekend to New Orleans, and on our way home we stopped by a farmers market and found these amazing pottery dishes that you use to make small loaves of homemade bread. The dishes came with 6 different bread recipes. The first and easiest one is the Super White Bread. Anyway, Mom and I fell in love with these pots and had to get them! Naturally, I had to wait until Christmas to open mine. I couldn't wait. In the past year and a half, I have been a pretty lousy 'suzy homemaker' due to the craziness of our life. So, I felt that with this small bread dish I could begin to slowly but surely change that. :) I am definitely NOT a 'suzy homemaker' by any stretch, but I do like having more than microwave dinners, 3 times a day. :)
Yesterday was the perfect day to try our bread dish out. The bread turned out PERFECT! It was super easy to make, and made the house smell wonderful! This year will be just as busy, however, homemade bread will at least make our house smell good, as I am reminded of how wonderful the product of our labor tastes!
This is the gorgeous picture of our 1st loaf of homemade bread. As far as I am concerned, I think it was by far the best Christmas present ever! I can't wait to try the other 5 recipes. I think I have reconnected with my inner 'suzy homemaker' and I am totally OK with that.
What do you do when you have an unexpected day to do nothing? If you are in my house, you cook, bake, and clean. :) Luckily I got a head start on the cleaning Saturday afternoon, so I was ready to get my hands dirty in the kitchen! David loves helping me too, so that makes cooking all the more fun.
Back in November, my Mom and I took a girls weekend to New Orleans, and on our way home we stopped by a farmers market and found these amazing pottery dishes that you use to make small loaves of homemade bread. The dishes came with 6 different bread recipes. The first and easiest one is the Super White Bread. Anyway, Mom and I fell in love with these pots and had to get them! Naturally, I had to wait until Christmas to open mine. I couldn't wait. In the past year and a half, I have been a pretty lousy 'suzy homemaker' due to the craziness of our life. So, I felt that with this small bread dish I could begin to slowly but surely change that. :) I am definitely NOT a 'suzy homemaker' by any stretch, but I do like having more than microwave dinners, 3 times a day. :)
Yesterday was the perfect day to try our bread dish out. The bread turned out PERFECT! It was super easy to make, and made the house smell wonderful! This year will be just as busy, however, homemade bread will at least make our house smell good, as I am reminded of how wonderful the product of our labor tastes!
This is the gorgeous picture of our 1st loaf of homemade bread. As far as I am concerned, I think it was by far the best Christmas present ever! I can't wait to try the other 5 recipes. I think I have reconnected with my inner 'suzy homemaker' and I am totally OK with that.

Friday, January 7, 2011
Welcome, 2011
David and I are thrilled to start yet another year together. It seems as though every day we grow closer and closer together and our goals become more and more aligned. I love that man more than I have ever dreamed possible. Together we are unstoppable. It is amazing when you seek Christ separately, He unites you as one. I don't even know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it sure does me. We have reached a level in our relationship that quite frankly, I had no idea existed. It is incredible!
As much as I have found out that I am NOT a country girl, and that I NEED the city, I have come to recognize this incredible season of life we are in right now. God has totally done in a work in us. Our whole life, attitude, perspective, everything has changed... and for the better I might add! Don't get me wrong, we both still enjoy being spoiled and having nice things, but it seems that we have put boundaries on where that line is. A need versus a want are two totally different animals, and sometimes I think, especially pre-moving to the country, those two different animals were made out as one.
This year brings excitement to both of us. David is still busy and working hard at school, studying like a crazy man and making grades to kill for. I, too, will be working hard and studying this year. Starting January 18, 2011 I will begin my Masters in Non Profit Management. I simply can not wait to begin school! I feel like this is truly something God has put in my heart to do and because of it, I am just giddy to begin. Since I have previous graduate work, I will be able to complete my Masters from LSU-Shreveport, by December of this year! I think one of the biggest things I already feel such a huge accomplishment over is the fact that we saved, and are paying for it in cash, plus books! I feel like because of this achievement I have already won the prize.
Just a mere 12 months ago, David and I were not in horrible financial shape by any stretch, but there was definitely room for improvement. We enrolled in the course by Dave Ramsey: Financial Peace University. We feel in love. The program just clicked for us, together. We saw black and white what areas we needed to improve and made a road map of steps to take in order to achieve that. One of the steps - paying for my Masters in cash. Every day is a new day and every day together we have to commit to each other that we are going to continue to walk the road towards financial peace. We have come SO far. This year we will continue to make huge strides as well. Life happens and we are definitely not omitted from that, but together we are working through those 'life moments' and moving forward.
This year, David and I are also seeking healthier lifestyles. I start running last year, and had to stop for an extended amount of time due to shin splints, but after several months off the legs, I am ready to get back at it. My goal for this year is to run 5 5Ks. Last year, I did 2. By no means am I the first one to cross the finish line, but rest assured, I cross it. :) David and I also have several little "mini" trips planned. We will be attending a couple of weddings this summer, one being in Baton Rouge and hope to break away and spend a day or two in New Orleans. Also, we will be going to a couple of family reunions. Lastly, we are going to spend a weekend away with another couple towards the end of summer, to kick of the fall. Other than that, we will be working or having our nose in the books! I know 2011 is going to fly by, but I can't wait. David and I both are loving this place we are called right now in life. We are anxious to what the future holds, but know good things come to those who wait. :P Unfortunately, patience is still not one of my strong points. LOL.
We are so blessed to be loved and supported by so many. Hope each one of you had a wonderful New Year's and have bright, healthy and prosperous 2011's!!! Happy New Year!
As much as I have found out that I am NOT a country girl, and that I NEED the city, I have come to recognize this incredible season of life we are in right now. God has totally done in a work in us. Our whole life, attitude, perspective, everything has changed... and for the better I might add! Don't get me wrong, we both still enjoy being spoiled and having nice things, but it seems that we have put boundaries on where that line is. A need versus a want are two totally different animals, and sometimes I think, especially pre-moving to the country, those two different animals were made out as one.
This year brings excitement to both of us. David is still busy and working hard at school, studying like a crazy man and making grades to kill for. I, too, will be working hard and studying this year. Starting January 18, 2011 I will begin my Masters in Non Profit Management. I simply can not wait to begin school! I feel like this is truly something God has put in my heart to do and because of it, I am just giddy to begin. Since I have previous graduate work, I will be able to complete my Masters from LSU-Shreveport, by December of this year! I think one of the biggest things I already feel such a huge accomplishment over is the fact that we saved, and are paying for it in cash, plus books! I feel like because of this achievement I have already won the prize.
Just a mere 12 months ago, David and I were not in horrible financial shape by any stretch, but there was definitely room for improvement. We enrolled in the course by Dave Ramsey: Financial Peace University. We feel in love. The program just clicked for us, together. We saw black and white what areas we needed to improve and made a road map of steps to take in order to achieve that. One of the steps - paying for my Masters in cash. Every day is a new day and every day together we have to commit to each other that we are going to continue to walk the road towards financial peace. We have come SO far. This year we will continue to make huge strides as well. Life happens and we are definitely not omitted from that, but together we are working through those 'life moments' and moving forward.
This year, David and I are also seeking healthier lifestyles. I start running last year, and had to stop for an extended amount of time due to shin splints, but after several months off the legs, I am ready to get back at it. My goal for this year is to run 5 5Ks. Last year, I did 2. By no means am I the first one to cross the finish line, but rest assured, I cross it. :) David and I also have several little "mini" trips planned. We will be attending a couple of weddings this summer, one being in Baton Rouge and hope to break away and spend a day or two in New Orleans. Also, we will be going to a couple of family reunions. Lastly, we are going to spend a weekend away with another couple towards the end of summer, to kick of the fall. Other than that, we will be working or having our nose in the books! I know 2011 is going to fly by, but I can't wait. David and I both are loving this place we are called right now in life. We are anxious to what the future holds, but know good things come to those who wait. :P Unfortunately, patience is still not one of my strong points. LOL.
We are so blessed to be loved and supported by so many. Hope each one of you had a wonderful New Year's and have bright, healthy and prosperous 2011's!!! Happy New Year!
Cheers for the Holidays!
Just like I seem to start all my blogs, where does the time go?!!?
The past eight to ten weeks has just flown by. In the non profit world, the last quarter of the year, is typically the busiest. It is when most people give their last tax deductible donation or want to get their time and volunteer. Rest assured, the Mission is no exception! We hit the ground running in November and hardly have had time to look up since, even though we are almost half way through January!
I had to work Thanksgiving Day, so David went with me to the Mission to help get the volunteers squared away and make sure the serving of nearly 1500 people went off without a hitch. Afterwards, we drove from Shreveport to Rayville, which is about 20 minutes on the east of Monroe. My Great Aunt Lennis turned 90 the day before Thanksgiving. All of the family came in Thanksgiving Day and had a birthday party for her. It was a great time and we couldn't have asked for a better way to spend Thanksgiving Day. Below is a picture of myself, Aunt Lennis and David.

A couple of days later, on December 2, 2010 David and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! We actually went to David's work Christmas party that evening and had a great time. :) David had a gorgeous display of flowers delivered to me at work. To celebrate, we went and enjoyed an evening together eating sushi and Christmas shopping. Overall it was a low key anniversary, but it was perfect. I couldn't imagine celebrating any other way! I can't believe it has already been 4 years since we said, "I Do". It seems just yesterday I was planning our wedding! Crazy. This is a picture from our evening out.

In the middle of December, one thing I wanted to do last year and we never got the opportunity to, was go and see the Christmas lights in Natchitoches, Louisiana. We decided to not only go this year, but to make a Saturday of it. Aunt Char joined us. We started the day stopping for lunch in Shreveport, and taking Aunt Char to one of our favorite places to eat, Newk's. From there we headed down to Natchitoches. Even though we got there several hours before we could even see the Christmas lights, we had plenty of time to kill shopping!:) All three of us, absolutely loved walking through the different shops. David and I did some much needed Christmas shopping and really enjoyed the window displays too! For dinner we had to stop by this amazing 'home cooking' cajun food restaurant. It is to die for! Below is a picture of myself, Aunt Char and David at dinner. It was a wonderful day, and once the Christmas lights were on, they were amazing, complete with fake snow. :) I definitely think spending a day down in Natchitoches to shop and see the Christmas lights will become an annual thing!

Before we knew it, we were heading home to Dallas for Christmas! We didn't have much time in Dallas and yet had a jammed packed schedule to try to squeeze everyone in. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to spend the evening with some old friends I grew up with from church. I love that even though we don't get to see everyone all the time, when we do get together, it is as though we have never missed a beat! I treasure each one of these people so much. Each one of us is so completely different, and yet we all have something to offer. It is incredible to see how amazing everyone has turned out and to get to touch base and see where they hope to go in the future. I love each one of you so much. :)

Probably my most favorite evening of the entire year, is Christmas Eve. I absolutely LOVE the Christmas Eve Candle lit service. I don't know what it is about everyone singing as an entire church Peace, Peace, Peace and Silent Night and holding up candles in the darkness, but to me there is nothing more special. I know Christ, and I know Christ is in that place at that very moment. :) This was David and I before heading to the service.

After getting back from Dallas and spending a wonderful Christmas with lots of family and friends, we were headed to Indiana to see my grandparents. They aren't getting any younger, and well at this point, we are trying to spend as much time with them as possible. I absolutely love my grandparents and only wish we lived closer. We started our 12 hour drive after work on Wednesday and stayed the night in Stuggart, Arkansas. We have never driven to Ramsey directly from Arcadia, so I googled directions. Naturally, Google had us traveling back roads all the way through Arkansas. Just a word to the wise, Arkansas sucks at having road signs! We were taking the one way roads slow, knowing that deer being out and on the roads was a huge possibility. Never the less, we hit a deer! We weren't hurt, and thank God our jeep wasn't either, but I am almost positive the deer didn't get such a great outcome. :( Anyway, we had a good night sleep at our hotel and drove the majority of the next day. Once we arrived, we really enjoyed ourselves! We ran errands, cooked, laughed, told stories and cooked some more. I made three different chicken dishes that Gramps and Granny could freeze and have whenever they felt like it. I also made several dozen chocolate chip cookies (Gramps's favorite!) and made some Magic Bar candy. The Magic Bar has become a new favorite holiday candy treat for me to make, simply because it is so easy! It is just a layered cookie, pop it in the oven and let cool. Done! :) Ironically, I don't care for the candy, because it is too sweet, but everyone else who has tasted it, LOVES it! :) Below are pictures of myself with Granny and the other with Gramps. I dearly love them and we had a wonderful visit. We can't wait to go back in July for the family reunion. Love y'all!

Finally, that brings me to HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! David and I spent New Year's Eve celebrating at one of my second cousin's house in Corydon, Indiana. It was a great time of laughter and fellowship. We even got to learn some of the family secrets and some 'dirt' on my dad, when he was growing up! :) I couldn't think of a better way to bring in the New Year, than with family.
The past eight to ten weeks has just flown by. In the non profit world, the last quarter of the year, is typically the busiest. It is when most people give their last tax deductible donation or want to get their time and volunteer. Rest assured, the Mission is no exception! We hit the ground running in November and hardly have had time to look up since, even though we are almost half way through January!
I had to work Thanksgiving Day, so David went with me to the Mission to help get the volunteers squared away and make sure the serving of nearly 1500 people went off without a hitch. Afterwards, we drove from Shreveport to Rayville, which is about 20 minutes on the east of Monroe. My Great Aunt Lennis turned 90 the day before Thanksgiving. All of the family came in Thanksgiving Day and had a birthday party for her. It was a great time and we couldn't have asked for a better way to spend Thanksgiving Day. Below is a picture of myself, Aunt Lennis and David.

A couple of days later, on December 2, 2010 David and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! We actually went to David's work Christmas party that evening and had a great time. :) David had a gorgeous display of flowers delivered to me at work. To celebrate, we went and enjoyed an evening together eating sushi and Christmas shopping. Overall it was a low key anniversary, but it was perfect. I couldn't imagine celebrating any other way! I can't believe it has already been 4 years since we said, "I Do". It seems just yesterday I was planning our wedding! Crazy. This is a picture from our evening out.
In the middle of December, one thing I wanted to do last year and we never got the opportunity to, was go and see the Christmas lights in Natchitoches, Louisiana. We decided to not only go this year, but to make a Saturday of it. Aunt Char joined us. We started the day stopping for lunch in Shreveport, and taking Aunt Char to one of our favorite places to eat, Newk's. From there we headed down to Natchitoches. Even though we got there several hours before we could even see the Christmas lights, we had plenty of time to kill shopping!:) All three of us, absolutely loved walking through the different shops. David and I did some much needed Christmas shopping and really enjoyed the window displays too! For dinner we had to stop by this amazing 'home cooking' cajun food restaurant. It is to die for! Below is a picture of myself, Aunt Char and David at dinner. It was a wonderful day, and once the Christmas lights were on, they were amazing, complete with fake snow. :) I definitely think spending a day down in Natchitoches to shop and see the Christmas lights will become an annual thing!
Before we knew it, we were heading home to Dallas for Christmas! We didn't have much time in Dallas and yet had a jammed packed schedule to try to squeeze everyone in. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to spend the evening with some old friends I grew up with from church. I love that even though we don't get to see everyone all the time, when we do get together, it is as though we have never missed a beat! I treasure each one of these people so much. Each one of us is so completely different, and yet we all have something to offer. It is incredible to see how amazing everyone has turned out and to get to touch base and see where they hope to go in the future. I love each one of you so much. :)

Probably my most favorite evening of the entire year, is Christmas Eve. I absolutely LOVE the Christmas Eve Candle lit service. I don't know what it is about everyone singing as an entire church Peace, Peace, Peace and Silent Night and holding up candles in the darkness, but to me there is nothing more special. I know Christ, and I know Christ is in that place at that very moment. :) This was David and I before heading to the service.

After getting back from Dallas and spending a wonderful Christmas with lots of family and friends, we were headed to Indiana to see my grandparents. They aren't getting any younger, and well at this point, we are trying to spend as much time with them as possible. I absolutely love my grandparents and only wish we lived closer. We started our 12 hour drive after work on Wednesday and stayed the night in Stuggart, Arkansas. We have never driven to Ramsey directly from Arcadia, so I googled directions. Naturally, Google had us traveling back roads all the way through Arkansas. Just a word to the wise, Arkansas sucks at having road signs! We were taking the one way roads slow, knowing that deer being out and on the roads was a huge possibility. Never the less, we hit a deer! We weren't hurt, and thank God our jeep wasn't either, but I am almost positive the deer didn't get such a great outcome. :( Anyway, we had a good night sleep at our hotel and drove the majority of the next day. Once we arrived, we really enjoyed ourselves! We ran errands, cooked, laughed, told stories and cooked some more. I made three different chicken dishes that Gramps and Granny could freeze and have whenever they felt like it. I also made several dozen chocolate chip cookies (Gramps's favorite!) and made some Magic Bar candy. The Magic Bar has become a new favorite holiday candy treat for me to make, simply because it is so easy! It is just a layered cookie, pop it in the oven and let cool. Done! :) Ironically, I don't care for the candy, because it is too sweet, but everyone else who has tasted it, LOVES it! :) Below are pictures of myself with Granny and the other with Gramps. I dearly love them and we had a wonderful visit. We can't wait to go back in July for the family reunion. Love y'all!
Finally, that brings me to HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! David and I spent New Year's Eve celebrating at one of my second cousin's house in Corydon, Indiana. It was a great time of laughter and fellowship. We even got to learn some of the family secrets and some 'dirt' on my dad, when he was growing up! :) I couldn't think of a better way to bring in the New Year, than with family.
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