David and I are thrilled to start yet another year together. It seems as though every day we grow closer and closer together and our goals become more and more aligned. I love that man more than I have ever dreamed possible. Together we are unstoppable. It is amazing when you seek Christ separately, He unites you as one. I don't even know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it sure does me. We have reached a level in our relationship that quite frankly, I had no idea existed. It is incredible!
As much as I have found out that I am NOT a country girl, and that I NEED the city, I have come to recognize this incredible season of life we are in right now. God has totally done in a work in us. Our whole life, attitude, perspective, everything has changed... and for the better I might add! Don't get me wrong, we both still enjoy being spoiled and having nice things, but it seems that we have put boundaries on where that line is. A need versus a want are two totally different animals, and sometimes I think, especially pre-moving to the country, those two different animals were made out as one.
This year brings excitement to both of us. David is still busy and working hard at school, studying like a crazy man and making grades to kill for. I, too, will be working hard and studying this year. Starting January 18, 2011 I will begin my Masters in Non Profit Management. I simply can not wait to begin school! I feel like this is truly something God has put in my heart to do and because of it, I am just giddy to begin. Since I have previous graduate work, I will be able to complete my Masters from LSU-Shreveport, by December of this year! I think one of the biggest things I already feel such a huge accomplishment over is the fact that we saved, and are paying for it in cash, plus books! I feel like because of this achievement I have already won the prize.
Just a mere 12 months ago, David and I were not in horrible financial shape by any stretch, but there was definitely room for improvement. We enrolled in the course by Dave Ramsey: Financial Peace University. We feel in love. The program just clicked for us, together. We saw black and white what areas we needed to improve and made a road map of steps to take in order to achieve that. One of the steps - paying for my Masters in cash. Every day is a new day and every day together we have to commit to each other that we are going to continue to walk the road towards financial peace. We have come SO far. This year we will continue to make huge strides as well. Life happens and we are definitely not omitted from that, but together we are working through those 'life moments' and moving forward.
This year, David and I are also seeking healthier lifestyles. I start running last year, and had to stop for an extended amount of time due to shin splints, but after several months off the legs, I am ready to get back at it. My goal for this year is to run 5 5Ks. Last year, I did 2. By no means am I the first one to cross the finish line, but rest assured, I cross it. :) David and I also have several little "mini" trips planned. We will be attending a couple of weddings this summer, one being in Baton Rouge and hope to break away and spend a day or two in New Orleans. Also, we will be going to a couple of family reunions. Lastly, we are going to spend a weekend away with another couple towards the end of summer, to kick of the fall. Other than that, we will be working or having our nose in the books! I know 2011 is going to fly by, but I can't wait. David and I both are loving this place we are called right now in life. We are anxious to what the future holds, but know good things come to those who wait. :P Unfortunately, patience is still not one of my strong points. LOL.
We are so blessed to be loved and supported by so many. Hope each one of you had a wonderful New Year's and have bright, healthy and prosperous 2011's!!! Happy New Year!
Cheers! Here is to a happy and healthy new year!