Thursday, February 3, 2011

A little face lift...

A couple of weeks ago, I had to report to jury duty. When I got home, I decided to make myself useful. It was the beginning of the year, I was feeling inspired to get my life in 'order' and clean - really organize our house. I HATE clutter and having stuff just stacked around with no purpose. When we moved into the place we live now, we downsized significantly. What we thought we really 'needed' to take all of this stuff with us - a year and a half later, realized half of it - we haven't even touched. Nonetheless, I decided it was time to go through some of these items. We donated a couple of large trash bags full of stuff, re-organized the only 2 closets we have, and then the rest was sent back to Dallas. We have a storage unit there that is hardly full. I couldn't help but think, we pay for this unit each month and why are we storing this 'stuff' here at our house when we don't have to stare at it in the storage unit! HELLO!!! Anyway, now that my 'spring cleaning' is done (in the dead of winter) I already feel better. I think reorganizing your closet is the best way to start out the new year. :)

So, when we were putting the things I had designated to go back to the storage unit, I stumbled upon the perfect weekend project....

I have been searching for some new 'office chairs'. The chairs I have right now are over sized recliner type chairs, that really are 'too comfortable' for my office... so, I have been casually searching for some new chairs. :)

Anyway, in our storage unit, I found two dining room chairs that I had - never really used the chairs for anything, but always had intentions of possibly recovering the chairs and then using them.

I decided these chairs would be perfect for my office! All I had to do was just recover the cushions. :)

Mom helped me pick out the perfect fabric. We went row by row, looking through all the different kinds of fabric. I had no idea how expensive some of these fabrics were! Mom made sure I picked something out that was professional - but I had to make sure it was cute, cheery and had to look like me!

This is material I picked:

It was on sale for $5 a yard! How awesome is that!?!

I had never recovered cushions before, but Mom said that it really wasn't that hard!

So...... this is the finished product of my new office chairs:

bottom cushion:

top cushion:

I had some extra fabric left over, and thought it would be cute to put the fabric over the the bulletin board and give some accent color to my office.

This is how it turned out:

Nothing too fancy....I have a couple more pieces of leftover fabric that I plan on making two smaller bulletin boards to put with the large one.

I can't wait to have these things in my office! I love the fact that I can personalize my office, but keep it professional. :) Growing up does have it perks.... well sort of. Bahahaah.

1 comment:

  1. Wow truly proud of the DIY project! Looks great! :D
