With only five weeks left of this semester, I couldn't be more excited to be done with these classes! I was so pumped to start the semester, but naturally, I am ready to be done. David and I can't wait for the summer. We have so many fun things planned, plus I love summer!
As we continue to move forward with our goals, we have clung to this scripture:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And he shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5
We have so much to be thankful for and constantly are counting our blessings. God is incredible with all that He provides!
David has officially been accepted into his two different honors societies. He is doing extremely well in all of his courses this quarter and is being reviewed for three different scholarships. David is one of the most incredible men of God I know. I am so proud to call him my husband.
As the reality of me graduating in December is slowly but surely coming to fruition, the more excited I am to accomplish my Master's Degree. I will continue working at the Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission, as they are tranisitioning me into a new position once I have obtained my degree this winter.I love my job and am so thankful for this place. The Mission has taught me so many life lessons. Some I wanted to learn, while others I needed to learn. I have and continue to witness first hand the incredible redemption of Christ to so many. He speacializes in redeeming broken people! Isn't that great news?! Life is hard and I see that daily. I am so thankful we have a Savior that cares for us even when we think there is no hope, directon or way out. He's got our back - always! :)
With the desire to attend law school, still very much a part of my life, David and I are moving forward with school visits and prayer of where we, collectively, will want to move. We are estatic about what the future holds and all the possibilities that are out there! One step at a time, we faithfully will follow.
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