Can I just start by saying I love Dallas. I love everything about being in a city. Some would argue you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl..... I would argue you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl. :)
When David and I moved out of Dallas we were leaving slightly jaded. We had gone through job loss, housing selling, moving stress, starting school and the list goes on and on. Honestly, I was relieved when David left Countrywide. While that had been his default for all those years and he was very successful at what he did, I just knew somewhere somehow God desired more for us and our life. Looking back now, just in a short two years, we have grown beyond words can describe. We both are on the same page and our future is brighter than it has been ever. It makes me giddy to wake up in the morning to know 'the best is yet to come'. However, I have learned while David enjoys things of the country - I do not.
I have given most things an honest effort to join in and be a part of.....Unfortunately, I simply would rather help an animal, than kill it. I would rather walk across the street to go shopping, than drive 20-50 miles to get to the local Walmart (of ALL things). I would rather wear heels, than 'boy clothes' and mud boots (however, my rain boots do make for a cute alternative). I would rather have my nails done and manicured, than have constant dirt under them. I would rather sleep in any day, than go freeze my butt off in a deer stand and just waist time. I would rather know I could go run outside and not have to worry about loose dogs chasing me because no one follows a leash law, than be followed and near attacked by dogs that are 'protecting the property'. I could go on for days..... I will say though, I love being able to go and shoot a gun anytime I want and not have to drive to a gun range to do so! :) Talk about great therapy.
I am a city girl. Plain and simple. More than that I love being around an obscene amount of people and not knowing anyone, and none of them know (or care) about me. I love having so many options to spend any given night doing. I am not going to lie - I love having pizza (or anything really) with the option of having it delivered to your front door! I love that a city offers diversity and a variety of culture - it is a melting pot. I am completely content in knowing that God didn't create everyone exactly alike - in fact we are all different. That warms my soul. I love that the city doesn't sleep and that at any given hour you can find a local gym open. I love driving 20 minutes and really only going 2 miles. I love everything about being surrounded by masses. Quiet to me is the sound of a distant intersection, or the hustle and bustle of morning commuters. I love that you can drive through 10 cities and not know where one starts and the other stops. I love manicured parks where people can picnic and enjoy time together with family, friends, and their (leashed) dogs. I love the ability to walk places.
While we might had been jaded when we left the city, my heart will always be there. No matter where we live in the future, God made me for city. Don't worry, I have every intention to fulfill the God given desires of my heart.

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