26 months, 791 days.... but who is counting? David only has 8 quarters left before he is DONE and DONE!
This fall he will enter the year as a Senior! Can you believe that? He will have his Bachelors Degree complete August of 2012 and then August 2013 he will walk across that glorious stage with his Masters Degree! I am so proud of him and can't wait for him to accomplish this incredible goal.
This summer David is only taking 2 courses during summer session one, so he can finally have longer than a week or two break. He will finish his classes the beginning of July and then not have to go back to school until the fall quarter beginning first of September. This fall he will apply for the graduate program of accounting and the majority of his senior classes will serve as dual credit for the beginning hours of his Masters degree program. How cool is that? Where most graduate programs take two years, he will be able to continue on and finish with just one additional year. Further more - he will have started and finished in four years, while it takes most students to just finish a Bachelors Degree in five years.... He is such a stud!
Each Quarter finished, is one step closer to being done and walking across that stage! We can't wait.
Way to go David!!!!