Last night, I had my first 'official' (in my opinion) crazy pregnancy dream.
It went something like this:
I am making Churros. This is a Spanish sweet snack consisting of a strip of fried dough dusted with sugar or cinnamon. *I have never made these or ever had any ambition to make them either.*
None the less, I had just pulled the hot dough out of the fryer and filled the middle with cream cheese. Without even thinking to let the them cool down I give one to baby girl! She completely burns her entire mouth and her face resembles the below picture.

Oh, it gets worse.
CPS is watching through the window and barges into the house the minute she starts
screaming and spits out the flaming hot Churro! They try and take her
away from me saying, "I am danger to my daughter" and "I am trying
to starve her because now she wont be able to eat for weeks due to her
burns in her mouth."
I woke up in a panic. Of course I do what any good pregnant mama would do. I wake up David and inform him of this horrible dream and then (in ALL seriousness) give HIM strict instructions to NEVER, EVER, EVER give our baby anything hot, because if he does he will burn her mouth!
He just looks at me and smiles and says "you are the one that burned her mouth, not me".
The end.
Ha! I can totally identify with those kinds of dreams and I can see that response from David too. Too funny!