We bought a house! David and I have been praying, waiting, contemplating, talking, and did I mention praying? We have been talking about moving all summer, but really didn't have any direction on where to go, so we just decided we would wait and stay put. Then (randomly) through a series of events, we found the PERFECT house for us!!! We put an offer in, it was accepted, and we were clear-to-close all in a matter of 10 days. On October 1st, we closed on our house! :) Just in case you were wondering, yes, you read that correctly, and yes, that means we MOVED while I am not only pregnant, but 37 weeks pregnant at that!!!
Let me just say one thing: WE HAVE THE MOST AMAZING FRIENDS!!!!! Our friends gathered at our the duplex early on Saturday morning of October 5 and we moved everything to the new house all in one day. Seriously, when I say amazing friends, it is completely an understatement. I was pretty useless (and still am), but they all looked out for me and baby. I was in charge of food & drinks. :)
My mom came over to help unpack, and unpack she did!!! We have ZERO boxes left in the house and everything has a place. Our new house is truly a home. We couldn't have done it without her!
Here is the front door, all ready for fall!
Hi Anna! I hope you are enjoying your new house! I was hoping you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My name is Heather and if you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!