I left off with the birthday party celebrations of August! The last weekend in August David and I went with some dear friends to the lake! We rented a house right on the water. It was perfect. We went fishing when we wanted to, we slept when we wanted to, we laughed non stop - it was great. That weekend we were celebrating yet another birthday - April's!! It was such a great way to end the summer. We had a fish fry on Friday night and grilled out Saturday night. We caught over 50 Brehm (or something like that) and yes, I caught the biggest one!!! :) Everyone said it was just beginners luck - I would like to think of it as skill. Haha.
Labor Day weekend David and I spent working. My family has these old stores that used to be a grocery store, general store, feed store, etc. Basically my family had the Walmart of the 1950's. :) Anyway, we got to clean out one of the stores - Durrett Bro General Store. It was definitely an experience that we hope to never repeat. :) However, we still have a long way to go to get it how we want it. We are hoping to get the stores registered to the National Historic Registry and see what happens from there - basically, LOTS of paperwork to be filled out. :)
The month of September has been busy as usual. David started his 2nd year of college!!! He is taking Accounting, Business Law, Biology 2, and Econ. He LOVES school! Tonight I get to go with him to his Business Law class and I am super pumped!!! In the past year that I have been at the SBRM, I have been really starting to contemplate law school. I am getting some crazy awesome networking connections and experience - so we shall see! We are talking a good 4 yrs before anything would be official or I could even attend.... A lot could change between now and then - but if it is God's will then I will go! David's bus law professor is excited for us and has no problem letting me sit in on some of his classes to see if the content would really be something I am interested in doing. Pretty cool if you ask me! His professor is the retired D.A. for Ruston. I can't wait. :)
At the beginning of the month I ran my 2nd 5K! It was at Brookwood Baptist Church in Shreveport and the proceeds of the run went to support the SBRM! Naturally, I represented the Mission. It was really neat though, because David's brother Tim got to do it with me. I really enjoy running, however I do not enjoy shin splints. I have had to take 2 weeks off from running because of them. :( I hope to get back at it this week.
Also, I have been hard at work getting ready for our annual Got Heart for the Homeless Benefit. We had co-author Ron Hall of Same Kind of Different As Me and What Difference Do It Make? as our guest speaker. It was an incredible night! We had a total profit of 95K! Not too shabby and there still could be more coming in the mail!

October is vastly approaching and we have a jam packed month, but here are some of the things we are looking forward to:
*COOLER weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*David's Best Man in our wedding, Big Rob, is getting married again - and we get to see lots of old friends from Dallas at the wedding. :)
*Getting to go to Dallas, not one but two weekends!!
*Spending time with the padres. I know it is really sad that I will be 25 in March, but I do miss them.
*getting ready for SBRM's next event October 16 - Wheels for Meals Car Show and Chili Cook Off and we will be introducing a COOKIE CAPER (basically a cookie sale!)
*Aunt Nancy and Mike are coming to visit....
*My BFF from high school is getting married on 10/10/10 in NYC!
*Bonfire SeAsOn
*My girlfriend April is going to teach me how to make red beans and rice, gumbo and other traditional southern Louisiana food! Can NOT wait!!!!
Those are just to name a few. We are truly enjoying each other's company and finding pleasure in the simple things. We are making strides in our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace plan and looking forward to being debt free!
Happy Fall Everyone! <3
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