First things first, I am officially attending LSU Shreveport this spring 2011! I met with my advisor this morning and I already have a projected graduation date for December of 2011!!!! HOW AWESOME! I can not wait!! I will walk across the stage next year with a Masters of Science in Human Services Administration, the short version - Non Profit Management. David and I have been saving up so that we could pay for my Masters in cash and not have any student loans.PRAISE God it is really coming to be. It is crazy, I used to wander about "what I was going to be when I grew up" and thought of being everything from a female cop to a professional cake decorator. I have finally found my calling. I love working for a cause. I have bigger causes I am wanting to fight and work for one day, but I truly have been in the FOG (Favor Of God) in having Him direct my path and am finally being obedient enough to follow. I have serious problems with trying to plan out our whole life, but I am constantly trying to seek God and ask that His plan be revealed. Every time a new stepping stone is uncovered it could not have come at a more perfect time. I am so thankful to serve such a mighty God. :) He never ceases to amaze me! David and I have a very bright future. :)
Speaking of David and I - we have been super busy. (What's new!?) David is doing SO freaking well at school it makes me sick. ;) He is studying like crazy. He has already been advised for the Winter Quarter and is looking at another full force course load. The one nice thing about the Winter Quarter is that it is split for Christmas/New Year's break. David has 3 weeks left of his Fall Quarter. The one awesome thing about quarter system is that he will finish with all of his Fall Quarter finals the week before Thanksgiving, so he really can take the week of Thanksgiving as a real break. Unlike the semester system - you normally go right into finals when you return from Thanksgiving break. It is the little perks in life that we find such great pleasure in. :)David is already being asked when and where he wants to begin different internships! I just think that is so cool, because in my undergrad I had to beg people to accept me (not really, but I sure wasn't having people approach me!!). He is excited because he can really start to see that light at the end of the tunnel! He has just 2 years left before graduation. That just floors me. I hope our kids get his "smart genes". Lol.
The past month we have really been enjoying teaching our kids at church. The class is like 30-40 kids every Sunday, but now that they know who we are and they really are starting to get into the activities that we have planned, etc. We love being with the children and just watching their young minds absorb Truth. It is awesome to watch the innocence of a child and see first hand what it means to have a child-like faith. We constantly wonder how and what our children will be like.
Work for me has been ever crazy, we are officially in our "busy" season and the phone calls, emails and daily work load reflects that. The last quarter of the year is the biggest giving time for most non profits. The donations are great but it always amazes me how much greater the needs are. Because of the federal grant I work with, I see it first hand. I just have to keep reminding myself constantly that I only have "X,Y,Z" tools and if the person/family is in need of "A,B,C" tools that I can refer them, but that there is nothing else I can do for them. Luckily, the Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission has great contacts with other agencies in the community so a lot of times we are able to refer someone to help elsewhere if we do not have what they need. It is a hard place to be when you know the needs are great of so many, but it is the most unbelievable feeling in the world when you can assist someone/family. It brings an indescribable joy that you can not experience any other way. This holiday season I would encourage you to research what kind of opportunities are in your local community that you could help out - and make it a family event! What better way to show your children how blessed you/they are than to help someone first hand, right in your own community! I think sometimes we think of "needy" individuals in foreign places or the wrong side of the tracks, but all too often they might just be your neighbor or the person who sits next to you on the pew each Sunday. Give back, doesn't matter how great or small, give back - it DOES make a difference!
Ok, off my soap box. ;) Did I mention I love what I do? Lol.
Things that David and I are looking forward to this November:
*Starting another running program (got some new extra bouncy shoes this past weekend!) :)
*Finishing up "odd and in" projects around the house. (Not looking forward to doing them - but looking forward to the finished result and being able to check it off our list!)
*Getting to take a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday off from work! We are not going to be able to go any where for Thanksgiving so we have peeps coming to see us!
*Seeing family
God is so awesome and I can't wait to see what other great surprises He has in store for us; knowing full and well that He has had the 'surprises' planned the entire time. SO COOL.
Last thing, here is a recent pic of David and me. He took me on a hot date night for sushi!

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